About the company
The TPD Technologie Płaskich Dachów company has been specializing in roof covering using the roofing membranes technology (high-quality membranes used to create a single-ply coverage for all types of flat roofs using different clumping systems or bonding system) since 2000.
The years we have worked, the knowledge we have gained, the mistakes we have eliminated over the years, the cooperation with the technical departments of the membrane manufacturers, developed roof covering technology using high-tech membranes made of plastic such as EPDM, TPO, PVC-P, PIB, ECB, CSPE, EVA, FPO-P enable us to classify ourselves as one of the few experts in this field in Poland.
As one of our achievements we can point out performance of the complicated heat-insulating and waterproofing works in the industrial, state-owned and historic facilities also for foreign investors ( for example participation in the project of construction of the Al.-Jazeera TV Studio in 2012).
At the moment, TPD employs qualified staff who are being trained and who improve their professional qualifications what ensures high quality of our work. We provide our employees with proper working conditions, safety and acquisition of knowledge in Poland and abroad.
We provide our investors with professional technical consulting (projects of the arrangement of individual plies), 10 years of the warranty period, contact with the technical department of the manufacturer.
The highest quality of our work (in roof covering using the roofing membranes technology), continuous acquisition of knowledge and finding new solutions, training the employees in this field aim to satisfy the customer and, what follows it, to achieve our success.
TPD Technologie Płaskich Dachów
Roofing membranes and thermo-weldable roofing paper systems
05-520 Konstancin-Jeziorna
e- mail: tpdogrodowczyk@gmail.com
mobile: + 48 692-981-285